These lovely creatures have the same requirements as any other rabbit for their living conditions, with the additional task of careful grooming by their owner and a carefully planned diet to prevent wool-block. They need a hutch which will not hurt their delicate feet, but which will allow droppings to fall through. They require an area for shade and privacy, which does not need to have mesh on the bottom. This way their feet can have a break from the wires, which can become irritating to them. They need a constant supply of quality food and water, with salt, minerals, and hay supplements.
Many people choose to keep one or two angora rabbits as house pets. They are one of the most docile breeds of rabbits and can be trained to a litter box. To learn more about keeping your rabbit in your home, check out the House Rabbit Society at http://rabbit.org/.
If you’re interested in keeping Angora rabbits, especially for handspinning fiber, it helps to have a copy of a book which clarifies all aspects of raising these lovely creatures. From specialized diet to prevent wool-block to spinning techniques to genetics and breeding for color, the book “Angora, a Handbook for Spinners” by Erica Lynne explains everything you could possibly need to know in clear, understandable language. It was my go-to source for all things Angora for the 18 years I raised them. I highly recommend that you invest in this book:
Copyright © 2013-2023 Kelley Adams. All rights reserved.
All text, photos, and graphics are the property of Kelley Adams unless credit is given to an alternative source.
Angora Rabbit photo credit:
By Ross Little (Flickr) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons