Fiber Art piece by Brena Adams, whose work can be found at Handmage Materials on Etsy.
Traditional fibers, such as wool, cotton, or grasses are being used in new and innovative ways as media for artistic creation. Embroidery has expanded to become fabric paintings. Felted wool is used as a painting or sculpting medium. The old separation between “Art” and “Craft” has been blurred or erased. “Fine Craft” has started showing up in the finest art galleries as sculptures or 2-dimensional pieces. More traditional looking pieces are being created as one-of-a-kind artwork, such as some of the handspun and woven or knitted pieces below.
“Spice Cubes” by Soozie Jobson. Nuno Felt from Paj silk with black merino, approx 160cm x 40cm

Triangle woven shawl made from handspun yarn by Renee Davis Conner

Beautiful triangle shawl by Farmspun Vlasta. Click here to visit her Etsy shop!

Woven chiengora/lambswool/kid mohair scarf by Kelley at SlowYarn.com

Art Yarn Neck Warmer by Laura Abbot

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Copyright © 2013-2022 Kelley Adams. All rights reserved.
All text, photos, and graphics are the property of Kelley Adams unless credit is given to an alternative source.